California Penal Code 666- Petty Theft With A Prior
Are you facing a second Petty Theft Charge in California? A second Petty Theft offense may be charged as a felony and may require incarceration in state prison instead of county jail . If you have been charged with Petty theft in Riverside or San Bernardino and you have a previous Petty Theft conviction in California you could be facing very serious criminal charges.
Riverside & San Bernardino Petty Theft With A Prior Lawyer
Because of the harsh consequncs under California Penal Code 666 or Petty Theft with a Prior it would be advisable to hire an experinced Riverside & San Bernardino criminal defense lawyer to assist you in the criminal process. Our Riverside & San Bernardino Criminal Defense lawyer always offers a FREE San Bernardino criminal defense consultation. Call today to protect your legal rights.
California Penal Code 666- Petty Theft With A Prior
Every person who, having been convicted of petty theft, grand
theft, auto theft under Section 10851 of the Vehicle Code, burglary,
carjacking, robbery, or a felony violation of Section 496 and having
served a term therefor in any penal institution or having been
imprisoned therein as a condition of probation for that offense, is
subsequently convicted of petty theft, then the person convicted of
that subsequent offense is punishable by imprisonment in the county
jail not exceeding one year, or in the state prison.