Murrieta California Probation Violation Lawyer
If you have an active Riverside California bench warrant you probably also have a probation violation. If you have an active misdemeanor case in Murrieta California and you have been notified by the court that you have a probation violation and bench warrant you will be required if you don't have a private Riverside California probation violation lawyer to appear in front of the Superior Court judge in Murrieta California at the Southwest Justice Center. A violation pf probation is simply that you failed to timely complete a term of your probation and the court issues a bench warrant for failing to complete the term or terms of probation. The bench warrant prevents you from continuing your probation and making fine payments and forces you into the courthouse to clear the bench warrant. However, in Riverside County the penalties for failing to complete a probation term can be stiff.
It is always advisable to hire a Riverside California probation violation lawyer to appear on your behalf. If you have a Riverside County misdemeanor probation violation your private lawyer can appear on your behalf without your presence. In most cases your private Riverside California lawyer can recall your bench warrant and reinstate your probationary term so you may complete it.
Riverside California Probation Violation Lawyer
Probation is generally granted in lieu of jail time. There are two types of probation, which are generally referred to as Formal Probation and Summary Probation. Formal probation requires the individual to periodically check in with their probation officer. Summary probation is an informal probation, which does not generally require periodic check-ins with a probation officer.
Once an individual is granted probation in Riverside California it is imperative that the individual live up to the Riverside California probation requirements. If all the requirements are met then the individual may be able to expunge or seal their criminal record in the future. However, if the terms of the probation are not completed or the individual engages in further criminal activity that results in arrest, fails to pay fines, fails to check in with a probation officer, or generally fails to comply with the probation requirements then the individual has violated probation and must appear before the court in which they were sentenced.
A Riverside California probation violation may require prison or county jail time, revocation of probation terms, or extension of the probation terms. It is vitally important that you engage the services of an experienced Murrieta California attorney when facing a judge on probation violations.
Murrieta California Criminal Defense Lawyer
Why would you take a chance on your future and possibly incarceration? Call today for a FREE initial consultation with an experienced Murrieta California Probation Violation lawyer. We offer free phone consultation on all Murrieta California probation violations and bench warrant misdemeanor cases.