California Penal Code 594 "Vandalism"
Have you been charged with California Penal Code 594, which is commonly referred to as Vandalism? Depending on the nature of the alleged crime and the extent of property damage you or your loved one may be facing either a Felony or a Misdemeanor criminal charge of Vandalism. If you are facing criminal charges your next step should be to contact our criminal defense law office for a FREE initial phone consultation.
Vandalism Charges
If the alleged damages are more than $400.00 you or your loved one might be facing Felony Vandalism charges. If the property damage is less than $400.00 you might be facing a misdemeanor charge. However, this does not mean that if you are faced with a misdemeanor that the District Attorney cannot amend the criminal charges if an estimate of the damages changes during the course of the criminal proceedings.
San Bernardino & Riverside Criminal Lawyer
Whether you have been charged with misdemeanor or felony Vandalism or California Penal code 594 it is important that you seek out and retain an experienced California criminal lawyer to protect your reputation and your legal rights. Call today to receive your FREE phone consultation.