San Bernardino California Expungement Lawyer
Do you want to expunge a old criminal conviction or clear up your criminal record in San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange County, or Rancho Cucamonga? Call our Riverside & San Bernardino Expungment lawyer today for a FREE criminal record clearing consultation.
There may be various reasons why you want to expunge your old criminal record. Many people call our office daily with concerns over the previous criminal convictions. Many times old criminal convictions can stop people from gaining employment, qualifying for housing, and certain state and federal programs.
Criminal Expungement Attorney in San Bernardino California
Despite the reason you owe it to yourself to clear your old criminal record and expunge the criminal details from your past. Many people have made stupid mistakes in their past and they shouldn't be haunted by these mistakes for the rest of their life. We are located in Ontario California and we are right next to the courthouse. Our San Bernardino expungement lawyer can walk you and your family through the process. Don't trust non-attorney services that provide expungement and criminal record clearing services. They are not lawyers and they cannot provide you with legal advice. Call today to discuss strategies to clear your criminal record.
San Bernardino Criminal Record Clearing Attorney
A San Bernardino expungement will allow the convicted person to set aside or dismiss a criminal conviction where a conviction or plea of guilty or no contest was entered on the conviction date. Assuming that you have finished and met all the requirements under your conviction or plea agreement and there is no current criminal issues your San Bernardino expungement lawyer will be able to petition the court to dismiss your prior criminal conviction.
Call today to discuss you San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga expungment issues.