Computer & Internet Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer
Have you been charged with a computer or internet crime or are you being investigated by State or Federal authorities for your alleged illegal actions? Call our California computer and internet criminal defense lawyer for a FREE initial consultation. Our criminal defense lawyer handles cases throughout the State of California as well as Federal criminal defense cases.
Internet Fraud Criminal Defense Lawyer:: Computer Crimes Criminal Lawyers.
Although this is not an exhaustive list of computer and internet crimes it is a list of some of the most obvious and most charged computer and internet crimes.
- Identity Theft
- Internet Fraud
- Computer hacking
- Selling Fraudulent or counterfeit goods over the internet
- Cyber Stalking
- Cyber Threats
- Making Terrorist Threats
- Internet Pornography/ Child Pornography
- Sex Crimes
- Auction Fraud
- Investment Fraud
- Email Fraud
San Bernardino & Riverside Criminal Defense Lawyers & Attorneys
If you are facing any of the above listed crimes or you are facing a current investigation by State or Federal authorities please call our Riverside & San Bernardino internet and computer crimes criminal defense lawyer today for a FREE initial consultation. Protect your rights and your reputation.