California Penal Code Section 520- Extortion
Los Angeles and Riverside Extortion Defense Attorney
Have you been accused of California Penal Code 520, which is commonly referred to as extortion? If you or a loved one is facing potential State or Federal criminal charges for extortion you will need the assistance of an experienced Los Angeles and Riverside California criminal defense attorney. A criminal charge of Extortion can be charged as a Felony in California, which can carry criminal incarceration for as long as 6 years in a California State prison.
Our Los Angeles and Riverside Criminal Defense Attorney always provides a FREE criminal defense consultation. So call today and protect your legal rights.
California Penal Code 520:
520. Every person who extorts any money or other property from another, under circumstances not amounting to robbery or carjacking,by means of force, or any threat, such as is mentioned in Section519, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three or four years.