Redlands California DUI Lawyer
A Redlands California DUI arrest can be a very serious charge. Whether this is your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd DUI arrest you need an experienced Redlands California DUI lawyer. Our Redlands DUI attorney handles DUI cases throughout San Bernardino and Riverside counties as well as Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego counties.
Redlands California DMV Hearing
You have 10 days after you DUI arrest to schedule your DMV hearing. You must schedule your DMV hearing within 10 days of your DUI arrest or you will face serious consequences and your California drivers license may be suspended.
San Bernardino DUI Attorney
We always offer a FREE DUI defense consultation. During this FREE DUI case evaluation you can talk to an experienced Redlands DUI lawyer that knows California DUI law. Our San Bernardino DUI lawyer will be able to asses the strengths and weakness of your DUI case and provide you with the proper legal guidance for your DUI case.
DUI Attorney in Redlands California
If you or a loved one has been arrested for Suspicion of Driving Under The Influence of Drugs or Alcohol you will need the legal help of an experienced Redlands California Drunk Driving lawyer. Call today to protect your rights!