Pomona California DUI Lawyer
Have you been arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence of either drugs or alcohol in Pomona California? If you have you have been charged with the following California Vehicle Codes;
You need a competent and experienced Pomona DUI lawyer to provide you with your legal rights. We always offer a FREE Pomona DUI consultation. During this FREE DUI Defense consultation we will be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your Pomona DUI case.
Pomona DUI Attorney
You have 10 days from the date of your Pomona DUI arrest to secure a DMV APS hearing. You must ensure that your hearing is scheduled or you may face severe consequences and waive all of your rights to defend a DMV suspension of your California drivers license.
Our Pomona DUI attorney will be able to assist you in setting the hearing within the statutory 10-day period and will be able to provide a proper DUI defense during the Pomona DMV APS hearing.
Pomona DUI Lawyer
Don't let your California license get suspended and don't allow a drunk driving conviction to be placed on your record. You need to fight your DUI arrest in Pomona California and you need a qualified Pomona DUI lawyer to help you navigate the entire Los Angeles DUI process.
We are a California based DUI law firm that seeks to assist individuals arrested and charged with DUI throughout the state of California,including DUI charges in Pomona California.
Call today to protect your rights!