Mira Loma California Criminal Defense Lawyer
Mira Loma DUI Lawyer
Our Mira Loma Criminal defense lawyer always offers a FREE initial
criminal defense consultation. During this FREE consultation our
Mira Loma criminal lawyer will be able to provide you with the relevant criminal law that applies to your Riverside criminal case and provide you with an assessment and potential legal defenses.
Your ability to obtain gainful employment or keep your current job may be resting on whether you are convicted of the crime the government claims you undertook. Protect your reputation, your job, and your freedom and hire a Riverside criminal defense lawyer.
A DUI arrest in Mira Loma California implicates to specific but different processes. First, you are required to request a DMV administrative hearing within 10 days of your DUI arrest. The outcome of the DMV hearing will determine whether your California driver's license will be suspended or not. In addition, you will be facing criminal charges for your DUI arrest in a Riverside Superior Court. Our Mira Loma criminal defense lawyer will be able to assist you in both processes and provide representation at the DMV hearing and in your Riverside California criminal case.