Felony DUI Lawyer in the Inland Empire
Have you been charged with Felony DUI or DUI with injuries in Rancho Cucamonga or San Bernardino County? Generally Drunk Driving offenses are charged as a misdemeanor. However, if you have prior DUI convictions in California or other states the District Attorney has the discretion to charge your San Bernardino DUI as a felony. A felony conviction is very serious in that the the legal consequences are much more severe.
Felony DUI with Injuries or Death
Many individuals are charged initially with misdemeanor DUI after a DUI related accident. However, upon full review of the victim's injuries the District attorney can and will often re-file the case as a felony drunk driving case. A Felony DUI charge will require the California criminal court to impose bail and possibly incarceration if necessary.
San Bernardino Felony DUI Lawyer
If you have three prior DUI convictions within the last 10 years of the arrest date of your fourth DUI arrest the District Attorney can charge you with felony DUI.
If you have been charged with Felony DUI in Rancho Cucamonga or San Bernardino county you will need the assistance of our Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino Felony DUI lawyer. We always offer a FREE Felony DUI consultation.
Call today to protect your rights!