California Health and Safety Code 11379 (a)
Have you been charged with a Drug Crime in California? California Health and Safety Code 11379 (a) makes it felony to transport a controlled substance. If you have been charged with Transportation of a controlled substance then you are facing serious felony charges. A conviction under Health and Safety Code 11379 (a) could carry a possible Criminal Prison sentence of 3, 6, or even 9 years in a California Prison.
Transportation of a Controlled Substance- H&S 11594 Registration
If you are convicted of Health and Safety Code 11379 (a) you will be required to register pursuant to California Health and Safety Code section 11594. Registration under the code requires the convicted person to register with the Chief of Police in the city or town in which they reside after release from incarceration.
San Bernardino & Rancho Cucamonga Drug Charges Attorney
If you have been charged with any of the following drug charges within San Bernardino County or Rancho Cucamonga please call our Rancho Cucamonga Drug lawyer today for a FREE drug arrest consultation.