Civil Litigation Attorney
We are a full service San Bernardino and Riverside California civil litigation law firm. Whether you have been served with a lawsuit or you are contemplating filing a lawsuit against an individual, company, and governmental entity we can provide all of your civil litigation needs. We have worked on hundred of lawsuits throughout California. Our civil litigation attorney has years of experience in all phases of civil litigation including prosecuting lawsuits, defending lawsuits, civil litigation discovery and depositions, settlements through ADR such as mediation and arbitration and court sponsored settlement conferences. We understand that civil litigation is costly and scary for most people and being served with a lawsuit is not what individuals and small business want to deal with or have the experience dealing with.
Our Civil Litigation Attorney handles the following types of matters:
- Breach of Contract
- Construction Defect Litigation
- Contract Disputes
- Shareholder Disputes
- Partnership Disputes
- Real Estate Disputes
- Creditor Claims
- Defense of Lawsuits
- Prosecution of Lawsuits
- Fraud
- Manufacturer Claims and Disputes
- Lease Disputes
- Tax Issues and Disputes
If you have been served with a lawsuit or you feel that you need some advice on whether you should proceed with a lawsuit against another person or party please call our Inland Empire civil litigation law firm today to discuss your legal rights.