Child Support Lawyer Eastvale California
Generally, child support is a payment that one of the parents make to support the child or the children in the cost of raising that child. Child support can be heavily litigated in some cases if the parents don't agree on the amount early in the divorce proceedings. In most cases, the custodial parent will receive the child support payments to help that parent provide for food, clothing, and other items that the children may need while in the care and custody of the custodial parent. As a general rule the parent providing the child support payments must provide child support until the child reaches majority in the case of California that is when the child reaches the age of 18.
We are a Inland Empire based family law office. We handle all types of family law matters including child support orders and child support modifications. If you live in Eastvale California or reside in Riverside County California feel free to contact our office to discuss your Eastvale California child support matter. Eastvale California is growing by leaps and bounds and with a large population comes a large population of young adults and children.
California Child Support Guidelines
The amount of money that the custodial parent receives from the non-custodial parent as a child support payment depends on many various factors including like net disposable income, which is determined after deductions are made from both parents gross income. In some cases the court can impute income on one parent where they are not working or based on their training and education they should be earning a certain amount. Ultimately, you should consult a lawyer to determine a estimate as to child support that you deserve or that you may be required to pay.
If you have a Eastvale California child support matter that you are contemplating or you are currently going through please give our Inland Empire family law attorney a call and schedule a child support consultation.